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tv   Full Court Press  Current  March 25, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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got a call from one of his deputies saying that there'd been a gunshot out at hunter's and we all looked at each other and just knew that was it. that was it. >> ben fee: jennifer and will were horribly shaken. it was so surreal and shocking. i stepped closer and juan interrupted me and he, he grabbed me and said don't, don't come closer please. >> sandra wright: my son to this day and my daughter-in-law both feel that they are glad that they were there to take care of things and also to see him and and feel his body and so that it was very, very real.
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hunter s. thompson died at five forty-five p.m. february 20th, 2005. he was sixty-seven years old. >> sandra wright: he was born a genius and he was born with that charisma and he was also born with that tortured soul and where that comes from, i don't know.
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[ music ] >> bill: hey, good morning, everybody. what do you say? it is monday. hope you had a great weekend and are ready to tackle the big stories. weekend. another blockbuster week here from our nation's capitol. we will bring you up to date. not only in what's happening here in our nation's camtol.
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what's happening across the country and across the planet and give you a chance to talk about it. tell us what it all means to you. give us a call on our toll-free number at 866-55-press. 866-55-7377 and we offerwelcome your calls. what a great day president obama back from his trip to the middle east ready to tackle gun safety and climate change and immigration reform. meanwhile, everybody here in washington, d.c. getting ready for the supreme court will be holding a hearing, arguments on tuesday and wednesday on the issue of marriage equality. claire mccaskill yesterday became the latest senator to come out in support of same-sex marriage and karl rove says he can imagine a republican candidate for president who the
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endorses same-sex marriage. michael bloomberg yesterday pledged to spend $12 million of his own money for backing candidates who support gun control across the country. wayne lapierre from the nra says he is insane. look who is talking about being insane. all of that and more on current tv. bp.
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>> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: winter is over. spring is here. so now it's snowing in washington, d.c. what the hell is going on? what do you say? hello, everybody. great to see you this monday morning, this monday
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november -- november? where did that come from? >> feels like it. >> let's start over again. yeah, feels like it. looks like it. this march 25th here, we are coming to you live from our smelly nation's capitol -- that snowy nation's capitol. the storm made it to the east coast, snowing up and down the east coast. doesn't look like it's going to stay around very long. it's kind of wet, but it's going away but it's a mess and the roads are a mess this morning. great to see you wherever you happen to be in this great land of ours. we are coming to you on your local progressive talk station. we are coming to you over serious xsirius xm. we are coming towel over current tv. look forward to hearing from you you. we look forward to getting your tweets on twitter @bpshow now that twitter is seven years old, you all should be part of it and on facebook,
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press show. however you get to us, we want to hear from you on the issues of the day, what they mean to you and to your family. again, hope you had a great weekend. we are almost all together here this morning. snow slowing some arrivals but peter ogburn and dan henning made it in. i had the longest commute this morning. it was really tough. >> bad for you. >> cyprian boulding made it a long distance. stevie lee web was here to fill in for the late departed phil backert, on a ditch as far as we know, in trouble? he spun out this morning. >> hopefully he will be making it in. haven't heard. have we heard? >> i texted stevie a little while ago to see where he was. i am happy to say he didn't text me back because he would be
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driving? >> that means he is driving one would hope. >> this is a crazy thing about this city. you know when we have the no snow, we treat the hell out of the roads. we have snow plows lined up. >> i didn't see one snow plow this morning. >> we get a lot of snow. roads were a nightmare coming in this morning. they were -- hadn't been touched. >> i had no idea it was going to snow. i got up and looked out on the deck and table was covered with snow. must have snowed during the night. then i you looked out and then i saw, it's snowing like mad right now. >> it was coming down this morning. >> there we go. anyhow, welcome the rest of you and a lot of good basketball over the weekend. >> 0, man. >> how are we doing? let's update ourselves here . >> all right. >> so we trust peter with the brack brackets. >> everybody started working on the honor system. everybody updates their brackets every morning. >> what do you mean update it? yeah. you update them. >> yeah. yeah. so we will start with the top of the heap. >> we don't change our picks.
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>> no. no. we update. >> of course. >> we will start at the top of the heap. the top of the heap. 44 points, tied for first is bill press. >> yay! again. tied for first. >> you and i are tied with power 4 points? >> really? >> here is what's interesting. hear me out on this? >> how is my louisville doing? >> from here on out, you look golden because you have all four of your final 4 still playing. nobody else has that. >> really? >> you have louisville ohio state, indiana and florida in the final four and they are all playing. >> how did i do that. >> poor cyprian is toast. >> he should have known better than to pick georgetown. >> he had georgetown. >> i had them in my final game.
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then has three of his final 4. and i have two of my final four left because i had wisconsin who went out in the first freakin round. >> there were some major upsets discipline discipline. >> did anyone have flap gulf coast? >> i love this team. >> that's not far from what i have. >> they have to beat florida gold university. >> the gulf coast team is a young scrapper team. >> they are amazing to watch. it's a great story because their coach is the all-time leading fry. he married a maxim swim suit model, went to wall street, loved basketball so he did instructional videos online. they hired him to be the coach
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of florida gulf coast university. >> the school has only been around since '90s. it's like a brand-new school. >> sounds like they destroyed georgetown. then they destroyed san diego state. >> literally on the beach. >> sounds like the university of santa barbara. it has that reputation for the location t santa barbara. yeah. party time. they are incredible fowatch >> bill: there you go. get cindy borin in so i can brag. >> i haven't looked at her bracket. i bet yours is better. i bet yours is better. >> bill: coming up, we are
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really excited today with the supreme court starting tomorrow ready to hear the arguments on same-sex marriage. we will have in studio the great bishop of new hampshire, the famous eugene robinson a married man to another man coming in to talk aboutsation same-sex marriage. we will talk to david jackson down at the whitehouse and the reporters from political political and buzzfeed and yes, the republican party has conducted its own autopsy. we will talk about how good it is. but first. >> this is the full court press. >> other headlines making news on this monday, bill i see you have your power baum pictures there on the desk. there is as winner of the fourth large event jackpot. >> maybe it is me. >> it is no one in this studio. someone matched all six numbers on a ticket purchased in new jersey on saturday night. >> yeah. >> it's close because i was born
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in delaware. >> okay. >> $338.3 million. there was also 13 pictures that each won a million dollars over the weekend for the numbers drawn. 17, 29, 31, 52, 53, and the powerball, 31. >> bill: how do you get a million? you get powerball. >> if you get everything except the powerball. >> of all of those numbers -- and i got six tickets. right? so on all six tickets of all of those numbers, i have one number. >> you got nothing. >> new jersey -- >> bill: i will never buy powerball tickets again. >> right. speaking of new jersey governor chris christie got at vehicle from shaquille o'neill. he spent time with christie talking talking about gun control. o'neill wants to start a gun byback program and christie
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tweeted a photo of the two of them which shows a stunning height difference. politico reports christie said shaq had some good ideas >> bill: >> bill: i wonder if he is going to support it. they have been very successful. >> shaq is what? probably two feet taller? >> and about two feet thinner, too. >> yeah. >> chris christie still probably outways him. a very disproportionate photo. the second man to set foot on the moon, buzz aldren announcing humans will be on mars by the year 2035. >> newt gingrich. >> ahead of that, he believes a mission with two people on board could fly around mars and back as soon as 2018, five years amp. he will never set foot on the planet but elbows it will happen. it will be about an 18-month trip. >> wow. good enough. thank you, dan. yes, indeed, yesterday morning,
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ol cnn, reliable sources with howie kurtz. i hope some of you got a chance to catch that. the big topic was -- i spent a good deal of my saturday, thank you, reading this 900 -- no, not 900. 98-page report from the republican national committee on the what went wrong in november 2012 for their party and how they can fix it. it's interesting. i wanted to get your comments as well about the republican party. the real question is: is there any hope for the republican party, or are they, in fact basically the party of the past? but this report now what's funny about it, we did mention this last week. it's still yesterday, howie kurtz was calling at a time autopsy. this other guy, tim carney from the washington examiner a conservative who was on with me, was calling it the autopsy, too. and i did -- it's also been called the post-more item.
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i did point out that that is a strange use of the term because an autopsy is performed on not on people that you expect to come back and be healthy, lead a healthy life. it's performed on cold dead bodies. so, is that the republican party? could be. the report has been called a lot of things. it's been called blistering. it's been called scathing. it's been called brutal. i have another word for it. i think it was perceptive. really, i mean reading that report, i've got to tell you i could have written that report myself. although t -- and i will tell you, when i was state party chair, democratic party chair of california, we got our asses whooped in 1994 for governor and we did a little self assessment. i would not call is it an autopsy. self assessment about what went wrong, but we didn't publish it. i think the only mistake they made, one of the mistakes they made was they published it
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because then, everybody is able to hold up the report and say okay. now, how closely do you come to correcting -- making the corrections you call for in the report? at any rate, i just wanted to make that point. but i could have written that myself. if i were asked what's wrong with the republican party, i might have said some of the things that are in that report that the republican party has the perception of being out of touch with people, about not caring for people, and it is the perception of being scary. it is the perception of being narrow narrow-minded. it has the perception, certainly americans see it, as being out of touch and more and more younger people are rolling their eyes at the policies of the republican party because they just don't buy them. those points are all in the report. for example, here are a couple of key points i took away from it. what the report says, it's the same stuff the media was saying
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about the republican party during campaign. remember, media, myself and everybody else, we were all accused of being liberal -- having liberal bias and being proceed obama and in the tank for obama. when people pointed out, for example, that mitt romney's comments about the 47%. this report says the very same thing t at the time, we talked about how the romney campaign didn't have troops on the ground didn't have any really good database. this report says the same thing. the key is and tell me your take on this. 866-55-press. will the party change? will it recognize what went wrong? and will it change? i don't think so. let me give you three quick examples. the report says would havee have to
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increase our outreach to mine or at this. the day after the the report president obama nominates tom perez for labor secretary and rush limbaugh and says this is as bad as hugo chavez and another because he supports immigration reform. another example, the report says, again, we have to reach out to more young voters. the day after the report came out, reinye brebius said the party is one man and one woman. we are against same-sex marriage. 81% of young people support marriage equality. >> if there is any issue that it shows the generational gap, it's marriage equality. >> bill: another one, the report sessions, we have to stop supporting corporate welfare. and then the next day john boehner says, uh-uh. we are not going to close those loopholes on oil companies or hedge fund managers or people who park their profits overseas.
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we are going to give them all of the corporate welfare that will we can. i have to tell you. i think it's a good report. i don't think the republican party is going to pay any attention to it. and i think unless the republican party changes, i think we could see the republican party out of the running and a third party taking over and the republican party being in the dust bin of history mark my words, they pay attention to this romped, they change their policies, not just their delivery or they go in the dust bin of history. that's my take away from this g.o.p. report. do you think they will change? 866-55-press. do you think they are big enough to change? do you think they realize how out of touch they are with american people? give us a call. let's talk about it. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ] >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso.
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(vo) only on current tv.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking?
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>> this is "the full court press: the bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv >> bill: you got it 25 minutes after the hour now, what do you say on a monday morning, great to see you this morning. we are talking about the post-more item. they are kaupingcalling it the autopsy. reince p. rebius saying here is what we did wrong in november 2012 and here is how we could fix it. including one of the things the report says is we should stop being the party that says government is all wrong, basically a slap at the tea
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party. we should stop being the anti-government party because the report actually says when people are flat on their backs, they need government help and they don't care whether the help comes from the government or from the private sector. how many republicans include heard say that. they oppose increasing unemployment insurance. they always oppose that. they oppose increasing the minimum wage or anything that will will help fem flat on their back. >> black cat says the gop is headed to the graph road not a moment too soon and peaceful revolution says they want to rule not governor. >> bill: ed from philadelphia spends. i'm sorry to disappoint you and
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myself but the republicans are going downhill. it's obvious. the employee is contracting because 98% of the we think is going to 1% and offshore to the cayman islands. guess what. we are broke. >> they represent a smaller and smaller segment of the american people. right? >> people are catching on. it's about the good-paying jobs. >> good to hear from you out in the city of brotherly love. >> good morning, bill. how are you doing? >> bill: good. >> caller: great myself. i have to agree with you. the republicans seem to be going like the whig party in denial if they ever take a good, long look at themselves. >> bill: but part of me wants them to survive just because i think we need two healthy parties here i always thought we need a third healthy party.
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but it looks like the republicans going the way they are, if a third party emerges t won't be three parties. it will just be two. so as a democrat i guess i hope they ignore this whole report and continue going downhill. >> this is "the bill press show." [ music ] >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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[ music ] >> chatting with you live at this is "the bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: all right now, 33 minutes after the hour here on this monday morning, march 25th. so good to see you today and we are now, the team is complete. breaking news stevie lee web
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has made it out of the ditch on the george washington parkway and he had to take care of the phones. give steve acre call at 866-55-press. he will tell you about the drive this morning. and we will get back to a big, big announcement yesterday by mayor michael bloomberg, the latest big story here for us to talk about this morning, but first, here we go. you know, i keep looking for these articles about identity theft. this one out of florida, where authorities have arrested five id theft suspects accused of preparing to sell personal information on thousands of people they gathered victims, names, dates of birth and social security numbers and then were shopping them around in a sting operation and caught in a sting operation called operation sharktank, only in florida. right? stories like that, identity theft, you have to be protected against it. i suggest lifelock ultimate
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which i have got the most comprehensive id theft protection out there. lifelock can't protect you or your bank account if you are not a member. call now and mention press 60 for 60 risk-free days of lifelock ultimate identity theft protection. if you are not happy, they will give you a full refund. see lifelock refund for details and give them a call 1-800-3565 fine 967. there is other big issue of the day, we have been talking about the g.o.p. report, which i was debating yesterday on reliable sources on cnn. over on "meet the press" mayor michael bloomberg making a lot of news when he announced that -- remember he created a pac last year just to support candidates who support sensible
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gun control measures t moving into the next cycle of e elections and announced yesterday he is going to spend $12 million of his own money in the senate races. these are not even senate races. these are in states where he thinks we can get the votes from senators for the gun safety measures that are now in the u.s. senate. so this is the influence of gun safety legislation, including the assault weapons ban that president obama wants out of the senate. on "meet the press" yesterday, michael bloomberg said yeah, it's my own money and i think it's certainly appropriate that this is the way that i spend it. >> if i can do that by spending some money and taking the nra from being the only voice to being one of the voices so the public can really understand the issues, then i think my money would be well spent and i think i have an obligation to do that. >> bill: yes, i remember he did won, his candidate, i for get
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her name right now won that special e ladies and gentlemen to take reverend -- not reverent but jesse jackson, junior's seat in chicago. she didn't have a prayer until michael bloomberg came in. she was the only one in the race that was pro-gun control. background checks and assault weapons h she won race. so he can make a difference. he has already proven that. i don't know why but "meet the press" invited -- whenever, you know, i have to tell you this is something i will probably get in trouble for but i think the media shows an anti-gun-owner bias when they book wayne lapierre because you could not have a worse person to represent people who really believe in the second amendment, who really do believe in the right of gun ownership bluesecause he is in
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insane. >> i think you are absolutely right. it's a very good point. we know gun owners we know people who like the fact they have a gun and are sincible. >> i know a lot of them. >> he doesn't represent them. >> "meet the press" booked him, wayne lapierre says no. bloomberg can't buy his way in america. >> he is going to find out this is a country of the people by the people and for the people. and he can't spend enough of his $27,000,000,000 to try to impose his will on the american public. they don't want him in their restaurants. they don't want him in their homes. they don't want him telling them what food to eat. they sure don't want to tell them what self-defense firearms to own. he can't buy america. he is so reckless in terms of his comments on this whole issue >> bill: yeah, by the way, the last person who should talk about anybody spending money on the gun issue is wayne lapierre
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and the nra because that's all they do. they walk around the capitol handing out checks to members of congress. >> that's why they are afraid of the nra. they are not afraid of the nra. they love their money. they are afraid they will lose their money. the nra walks around. i wouldn't be surprised if they are on the floor. john boehner would probably let them on the floor of the house just handing out checks. hell, checks? no. just give them hundred dollar bills. hand them out. >> that's what they do. yeah, then he accuses bloomberg. bloomberg, man, i have to tell you, i know i raz him a lot for being the nanny state and the nanny mayor, which he is, by the way, on a lot of stuff. i think the 16-ounce drink thing was stupid but he puts his money where his mouth is. >> that's what i admire about him, unlike donald trump who is just all mouth, who how many times have we heard donald trump
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say, i am going to put $5 million up. or i am going to pay for this. i am going to pay for white house tours. i am going to pay for this. he never puts up a freakin dime. >> right. >> never. never. never. bloomberg puts it out there. and then so wayne lapierre says bloomberg things he can do this. >> we have people all over, millions of people sending us 5 10, 15, $20 checks saying stand up to this guy that says we can only have three bullets, which is what he said. stand up to this guy who says ridiculous things like the nra wants firearms with nukes on them. i mean it's insane. >> i am sure mayor bloomberg never said the nra wants firearms with nukes on them. >> frankly, i am shocked that wayne lapierre isn't fighting for firearms with nukes on them.
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>> again, wayne lapierre could be pointing the finger at michael bloomberg toy say he's insane. remember that news conference he gave a week after the newtown massacre which will all go down in history, which is one of the most, the weirdest rants ever seen from any public official, not an elected official but of any prominent spokesperson in the history, on any issue in the history of this country. 866-55-press, on this issue, ig he is right on. the other thick, i think he will make a difference. and bloomberg also said something very significant yesterday when everybody here in washington has given up on the assault weapons ban start with harry reid, of course, who put a gun safety measure bill on the floor of the house, which does include background checks. good for him on that. straw purchases and some other stuff but it does not include an
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assault weapons ban. mayor bloomberg said we are going to get it. we are going to get it they are year because it's what the american people want. and i have no doubt if you put that vote to the american people, they would vote for it. and i said this before and i will say it again, dianne feinstein, she is determined she is going to bring the assault weapons ban back. remember, we had it for 10 years, 1994, to 2004. and i told you before do not count out dianne feinstein. she is one tough mama when it comes to getting her way on legislation. kathleen has a comment from chicago. here, the city that's been really racked with gun violence and gun deaths. hi, kathleen. >> caller: hi. how are you doing? thank you. let me get this in so everybody can hear this. carry robbins action you mentioned her name. she is the one from illinois, she's going to be my representative. >> bill: great. >> caller: okay. mayor bloomberg, thank god for him.
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he is the manual with the mouth and the money for the people that don't have the mouth and the money. and i am so glad we finally, getting people that's in their position to speak for us. you want our votes but when you get in there, you forget about our votes. all of these senators are scared to step up. i don't understand it, mr. press. how can you send our soldiers, men and women, off to war to go into other people's countries and fight to help keep them alive and keep them safe and right here in our country, we can't even protect our own 6-month-old babies. we are getting people killed every day. 6-month-old babies and you look at them as if nothing and you getting ready to send our boys and girls over to syria to fight. >> bill: doesn't make sense kathleen. nobody knows that better than the people of chicago, the need to have some sensible, sensible controls on guns assault weapons and the high-capacity magazines. i will at thetell you kathleen we are working up another visit to chicago and all of our great
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friends out there at wcpt. when we do kathleen, i want you right alongside of me. >> be strong. >> not going to be "the bill press show". it's going to be the bill press and the kathleen show when i visit chicago. i can't wait. when we come back, david jackson already on duty at the whitehouse. what's on the president's agenda now that he is back from the middle east? we will find out. >> heard around the country and seen on current tv this is "the bill press show." [ music ] agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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current tv is the place for true stories. with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. real, gripping, current. documentaries... on current tv. [ music ]
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>> this is "the bill press show." >> bill: here we go 13 minutes before the top of the hour here on a monday morning, march 25th. already, early morning t covering the white house for u.s.a. today on the job. he's the guardian at the gate this hour. secret service doesn't come on until 7:00 o'clock. david checks people in and out here, the early shift at the whitehouse. >> my part-time job. >> bill: yeah. so we heard from a little birdie told us that you are out of town last week watching some basketball. right? >> that's right. i was in auburn hills michigan no big upsets. >> bill: how is your bracket, david? >> not so good thanks to naturally, gulf coast. >> you will be happy to hear of the four people on attach that did a]
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bill has the least amount of bablth balls. he's the only one with all four of his teams in the final 4. >> there you go. there you go. >> that's the way to do it. >> bill: if you want advice about bactsketball next time at the whitehouse. the president has indiana. what do you think? >> looking good. we have indiana beating louisville. i have the reverse. >> so do i. >> most of those teams are i think they are going to get in the final game >> bill: the president got back in town saturday evening. what's on the agenda this week? >> it's after the visit to israel israel, it's turning back to domestic issues. at 10:30 they will swear in a bunch of people including some military people to become u.s. citizens. of the president is going to be making remarks. we assume he will talk about immigration legislation and try to pressure them into producing some kind of bill. >> bill: by the way, david, you know, you and i both at the
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briefings last week they were damping expectations that anything big would come out of this trip. but they have to be happy with these, or are they happy with the way it turned out? >> very much so. good pictures and he and netanyahu got along and got the policy between israel and turkey and a lot of stuff behind the scenes we don't know about. with regards to syria and iran and, you know, in the next couple of months, things will unfold. and some of those things i think we will be able to trace-back to what was discussed in israel. >> i thought the surprise announcement that he persuaded netanyahu, at least the report not necessarily that the israelis agree it was reported that way be, you know saying we were really wrong or whatever and then so that brought together two important partners in that part of the world. >> very much so. in a way, i was very pleased with that
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>> bill: so with immigration reform, you know, gun safety, they sort of got the extension of, i guess, the next big challenge of the congress is what? the debt ceiling? >> debt ceiling. it's a continuing resolution. i guess that's been passed. >> already passed. >> the debt ceiling, which i think was anticnated august or september, last week, i haven't checked all of the details. the last time i checked in with this, way back when the republican senators had dinner with president obama,ists told that they didn't expect the debt ceiling issue to come to a head until august or september. so, they've kind of kicked the can down on the road on that one. it will be awhile. i suspects on the budget that will be the next big thing. >> one more time. you may have missed a few if you were out of town but michelle bachman gave a controversial speech at cpac where she went after the president for living a life of luxury in the white house including the fact that he
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had, you know, six-figured dog walker, dana bash from cnn tried to chase down michelle bachman. she had to chase her down running, michelle bachman running away. we will play a quick clip where she refuses to back up her charge about the dog walker. here she is. >> what i want to ask you about is the fact that you said he had -- you talked about the excesses that he has engaged in, the fact he has a dog walker which is not true. so the big part of my speech was about benghazi. this is a disaster. >> you made accusations about the president spending money that other presidents -- >> the real issue there for americans. >> blah, blah, blah. um hear michelle bachman's high heels run down the hall. she went after dale haney. >> i heard a little bit of that. i remember when this came up. it was something to do with on a
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trip, maybe on a vacation at cape cod, someone, a picture was taken of an official taking the dog off of a plane. it was someone who had another job who happened to be handing the dog. that person makes six figures. it was miss reported at the time. reported at the time. by that time, you know. >> for the record we know if she is talking about a person who took care of george bush's dogs, by the way. >> that's another thing, yeah. >> superintendent of the grounds, right? he had a lot of responsibility. but he just happens to like dogs. >> yes. two things there. one is the one i am talking about, an incidents where a white house employee took the dog out. you are talking about the grounds keeper he likes dogs. he has been walking every presidential dog, maybe going back to the nixon years. >> back back to nixon. he is a friends of mine. i asked him about that.
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>> yeah. that's another story that's gotten out there, you know, in the wild west of the internet and people think, that person's only job. you mentioned, he is a white house grounds keeper and part of the duty, he walks the dog. he has been doing it for more than 30 years. >> he has been at the whitehouse for 40 years. >> right. >> michelle bachman says even bill o'reilly, even bill o'reilly accused michelle bachman of being off of the reservation on that one. i see jay carney is taking the day off, david. so we have josh for a briefing at 1:00 o'clock today? >> the first brief we have had in the whistlete house since he left for israel last week. i bet there will be a lot of folks on domestic issues, particularly gun control and the bucket. >> see you there at 1:00 o'clock. david jackson, u.s.a. today, at the whitehouse. >> this is "the bill press show." like lobster lover's dream or new grilled lobster and lobster tacos. come in now and sea food differently.
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now, buy one lobsterfest entree and get one 1/2 off with a coupon at your vacuum doesn't always pick up what's left behind. only the resolve easy clean system has foam power to remove three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. don't just vacuum clean. resolve clean.
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this show is about being up to date, staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. in reality it's not like they actually care. this is purely about political grandstanding.
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[ music ] >> taking your e-mails on any topic at any time, this is the bill press show, live on your radio and current tv >> we are going to talk ncaa with thet buzzfeed kevin delaney e. and christine robinson later in the program o gun control. roberts said, it seems like the more wayne lapierre rags on gun control, the more it seems like
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we need it. god for goodbid. chained cpi as a tax increase? ronald reagan declared that. this is "the bill press show." at lysol, we go beyond cleaning, we call it healthing. healthing is killing germs, and having more cleaning power than bleach without the harshness. it's being the #1 pediatrician recommended brand. and sharing healthy habits in 65,000 schools. so, stop just cleaning. start healthing.
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>> on the agenda same-sex marriage and karl rove says he can see that the g.o.p. being pro-marriage equality.
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mayor bloomberg started a $12 million campaign to persuade certain key senators to vote for gun safety measures in the united states. mike bloomberg putting money on the live and wayne lapierre says he is insane. all of that and more coming up right here on current tv. iq will go way up. (vo) current tv gets the converstion started weekdays at >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. (vo) tv and radio talk show host stephanie miller rounds out current's morning news block. >> you're welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. just be grateful current tv does not come in smellivision. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. dude, i need your help fast. well, clearasil's fast. yeah, but is it this fast? faster! how about this fast? clearasil's faster!
4:05 am
this fast?? faster!! woh! that is fast! fix breakouts fast with clearasil ultra. it starts working instantly, sending the max amount of medicine allowed deep into your pores for visibly clearer skin in as little as 12 hours. yeah, it's fast. clearasil, the science of clear skin.
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> absolutely! >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not
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bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. >> xwravting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is the bill press show. >> bill: it is snowing in washington, d.c. current tv, this is the bill press show. >> bill: it is snowing in washington, d.c. that's right. spring here and we've got snow. what's going on? i can't figure it out. good morning, everybody.
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it is monday march 25th. so good to see you today. welcome to the "full-court press." coming to you live from our nation's capitol, coming to you live on your local progressive talk radio station and on current tv. good to see you this morning. hope you had a good weekend, got a lot done relaxed and re recharged your battery and ready to tackle everything ahead. a lot going on our nation's capitol and around the globe. i will tell you what's going on and give you a chance to sound off on it. 1-866-55-press. easy enough. you can also give comments on twitter @bp show and on facebook/billpress facebook/billpressshow. big day today. a little braying news, secretary of state john kerry has landed in kabul, afghanistan.
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the president came back from baghdad yesterday and ended the war in iraq in kabul in afghanistan. what do you say? we have the team here ready to go, ready to serve you peter ogburn and dan henning. yes, yes, yes, stevie web in taking care of the phones this morning. >> he made it. >> snow and cyprian did as well. he have he has the video cams this morning. no doubt about it. not backing down on the "new york times," they have determined they will move jay leno out the door. they are going to -- they are not backing down. neither is jay leno. the executives discovered friday
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night. >> shocked a 3-inch knife blade of a 36-year-old man t had been in there for three years. a knife in the back for three years. he must have worked for nbc. >> man. right? >> we have talked about the business decision, pushing jay leno out the door like it or not. but one thing that's for sure this will translate, the controversy and the snipping back and forth. >> bill: right. reliable sources for cnn this is the lead story.
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he had a little fun. >> i am not happy with nbc. everything is going to be okay. i had dinner last night with awe bunch of nbc executives and to make up to me they are sending my wife and i on an all expenses paid carnival cruise. how about that. wow. >> very excited, the bishop of new hampshire, the reverend gene robinson will be here to talk about same-sex marriage and his new book on the same subject. he is, of course a married, gay man to another man and can speak about same-sex marriage with authority. authur delaney e is going to be with us in the studio a little
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bit later. also in this hour and then we will talk at the top of the hour with kevin lincoln from buzzfeed about the ncaa. but first. >> this is the full court press. >> other headlines making news on this monday bobby brown turned himself in to the l.a. county jail over the weekend to begin serving a 55 day jail sentence for his most recent drunk driving arrest. the singer was in jail for all of nine hours before he was released with an ankle monitoring bracelet because of overcrowded conditions there. he is on probation for four years. >> in l.a. people are getting an easy right these days. >> quite the office internal working, baltimore ravens wide receiver tory smith, buzzfeed reports the super bowl champion internal for the maryland democrat for the past few weeks. he was looking for something interesting to do in the off
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season. congressman cummings said smith did great work mostly reading andsponding to constituent letters among other office tasks. >> probably signing autographs. >> money is tight. at a time aren't pardon me per was delayed because of a storm. tiger woods in the lead by 3. >> they shut down. >> until today. tiger woods in the lead by three strokes. if he retains that, he would be the number 1 rohriched golfer in the world for the first time in months. if he wins, it will be the 77th pga tour. >> tiger is back. there is no doubt about it? >> he is in a relationship with lindsey vaughn. he is in it again. >> he is back.
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all right. bragging rights here again. >> all of us as you know on the team, we have filled out our brackets. we are keeping track of them our number one, tied. >> you and i are tied. >> peter ogburn for number 1. how is it going overall? we want to check in. kevin lincoln is the deputy sports editor for buzzfeed on our news line this morning. kevin, how are you? >> great. bottom good. >> good to have you with us. >> what have been the highlights so far of the march madness? a lot of fun stuff going on. how about from your perspective? >> out gulf coast, making the sweet 16. not only the first tournament
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appearance but to say it's crazy would be understatement. it pretty much came out of nowhere. the basketball they played a lot like an nba team. they took frees against the hoop. there is not the same sort of they run. they are going to run the teams out of the gym. greats upsets likewich state and la salle it was a surprise. and big 10 playing very well.
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beating georgetown. >> some picked to go all the way. >> yeah. georgetown in college basketball, not only did they lose for the gulf coast. they lost by 10. >> yeah. >> second half, they looked lost. georgestown by 10 and san diego state by 10. >> that's good. >> had they had energy up until the very end of the game last night. same with georgetown they were high flying deep into the fourth quarter. >> yeah.
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they play glossy. they play up. these guys are athletes. you have this where they doane wear down. whether that's adrenaline from the florida gulf coast, earlier in the season, when they beat miami, it was obviously eastern region and was also going to the sweet 16. is it looks like a very good team team. >> uh-huh. >> florida's gulf coast, one of their better players and it's not a fluke right now. >> yeah. >> my biggest question is whether or not they can sustain this. i mean, every year, you tend to get one cinderella team, two cinderella teams that get farther than they statistically should but can they really keep this up? >> i would say that it's -- you
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have to assume that it's unlikely that they keep this up. it's unprecedented. >> they are playing florida on friday night which a big match-up. >> right. exactly. they are playing florida. florida is a legitimately great team that a lot of people have making the final 4 or the national 10 events. so for them to overcome florida, they are really going to have to play efficient basketball, they are going to hit 30% of their three-pointers last night. they are going to need to do that again, get to the hoop and florida has died. it's not like they have just -- they can just get straight in the paint. it's not that simple. so, we will see. i mean we wouldn't necessarily want to bet against florida gulf coast at this point but i also if i had to make a pre-dix, i would say florida is going.
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>> do they take a day off? >> a week now. >> picks up against when? >> thursday. >> thursday night. >> and we know president obama before he went to the middle east, kevin, he did make brackets and he has begana going all the way. is he way out, or still in the money? indiana has not been great but winning and that's all you are augusturing to do. >> that was hart of a game, too. >> every time i looked in, temple was ahead. >> temple is a good team. they are tough. they were definitely not nit any
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sort of pushover. so the best team so far is by far won by 31. they destroyed colorado state by 26 this weekend. so louisville, also, has what you would imagine would be the sweet 16 games. they are going up against oregon who is seated at 12th. they have been playing so it's really hard to tell at this point. you have to think they are a favorite favorite, indiana is playing well. florida is playing well. those are probably the top teams right now. >> bill: well, it's exciting. it's exciting. as you write, you are so right. the florida gulf coast has added that little bit of spice that we always look for, you know, for one team that you don't expect to come and get everybody excited. >> it listen interesting to see
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how the crowd handles the florida, florida gulf state because last night, clearly t that was a florida gulf coast crowd. i mean they turned into a home team crowd. >> bill: kevin, so much fun to watch it with you and to hear your take on it. thanks so much for your time this morning. >> absolutely. thank you. >> kevin lincoln with buzzfeed at buzzfeed is a great site. they cover everything from sports to politics. john stanton is their washington bureau chief and a good friend of the program here on current tv, bill press, talk radio station. >> heard around the country and seen on current tv, this is the bill press sew. [ music ] (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers
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thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. (vo) she's joy behar. >>current will let me say anything.
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>> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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[ music ] >> this is "the bill press show" live and on current tv. >> arthur delaney from the huffington post, the delaney down downer. we will take calls telling us problems of working families across this country and how the sequester is impacting them in the next segment. right here news yesterday t well, it's all building up. news on the marriage equality front to the two-days of arguments scheduled by the supreme court tuesday and wednesday, people, it's snowing in washington. people already are camped out in front of the supreme court they were over the weekend to get seats for the arguments. they are going to hear the defense of marriagement argument did and california's prop 8 the
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next day in the supreme court. the washington post this morning, chris sonizza, the headline is "political debate on same-sex marriage is over." his argument is no matter how the supreme court rules, politically, this has moved to where there will be some republicans who oppose it but the american people accept marriage equality and same-sex marriage to the point this week where it's not the issue that it was 10 years ago. in fact, today, it's, the "new york times" in anticipation of the supreme court hearing. look at this i will hold it up hide behind it, a full-page ad american businesses, leading businesses agree same-sex couples should be treated equally and has the names of all
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of these major american companies that are signatories to an amicus brief in front of the supreme court saying they should rule in support of same-sex marriage and it may be the most surprising thing of all is yesterday, george stephanopolous put a question to karl rove. i wonder what the hell karl rove, a fox contributor is doing on abc. >> good point. >> but at any rate george stephanopolous asks him. karl rove's answer is he wanted to move on to another topic because it's such a hot pot ayotte but you may be surprised by his answer. >> can you imagine the next presidential candidate saying flat out i am for gay marriage? >> i could. >> i could and then he goes on, karl rove immediately throws this one out and created a lot of buzz yesterday to the point where karl rove realized he may
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have gone too far and he e-mailed abc later to clarify in a what he meant was he could imagine, a republican candidate but that candidate would not necessarily become the republican nominee. >> yeah. >> bill: the point is, the reason why i wanted to mention this is that the political attitude toward same-sex marriage is now that it's going to happen. it's going to happen. in state after state after state, i think the supreme court is going to rule in support of marriage equality and as we recorded last week the abc latest poll showed 81%, 81% of young people in this country support marriage equality.
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this -- this argument has been won. it's a matter of time before it's actually a fact. it's moving fast fast fast in the direction of marriage equality for all americans gay or straight. >> this is "the bill press show." fleischer going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us.
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[ music ] >> chatting with you live at, this is "the bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. . >> all right. 33 minutes after the hour now coming to you live from our nation's capitol. it was snowing. we didn't get any snow in winter and it's well into spring and we get the snow. washington is so screwed up.
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we are coming to you live from this snow in washington and our studio in capitol hill brought to you today by the international association of machinists, good men and women of the machinists union under pet tom buffenbarger sharpening america's edge on the global economy. find more by going to go good to have you with us and happy to welcome back into the studio this morning one of our good friends from huffington post, keeping his eye particularly on the economy and it plight of working class americans, arguments you are delaney. you are looking good this morning. >> thanks, bill. >> ready to go. >> normally in a tie though. >> i am wearing a tie. why are you wearing a tie? i don't wear a tie. you are wearing a tie. >> i usually wear a tie. >> okay
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>> bill: not for this radio show no it's a matter -- it's become a matter of principal. authur authur, we are now what? three weeks, is it? >> yeah. >> how bad is it? >> doesn't seem bad at all. >> well, when it first started, that first day, all of the news cameras were at the airport. whoa there was no delay here for obama. now, people are getting laid off. for them, it sucks. for everybody else potentially, it's going to start to sink in. >> is it? do you see signs of it now? for example, i saw the other day where the pentagon, they are not going to -- they are not doing their furloughs. the way they thought they were going to do. >> i have spoken to people in virginia who have received their furlough notices. >> it wasn't the pentagon then? one agency that was going to furlough and they decided, well
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we found some money. >> some of that is happening. it's unpredictable. everything that has been happening like we didn't know it was going to happen like that. people are going to have money, families in village and elsewhere are reorganizing their budgets. people are being laid off. we did a story last week. there is this nuclear waste site in washington where we made -- >> leaking to the river? >> we have plutonium there. we could blow people up and win the cold war. and now there are 15 million gallons of nuclear sludge leaking into the ground and there are 9,000 people who work there to clean it up. so we have laid off a couple of hundred of them now. we have furloughed another 2,000. >> which means more stuff leaking into the environment?
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right? >> right. they are not going to clean up this hazardous waste. >> that's a public problem and a personal problem for the people laid off furloughed. >> i was at the white house ray lahood came in. he hasn't been replaced yet. >> yeah. >> and a good man who announced one of them was going to be they were not going to eventually be delays and cancellations of flights but that they were going to shut down some towers. and i saw that over the weekend. right? >> it didn't happen immediately. now, apparently, it is actually going to happen. >> going to be cut? >> yeah. >> one tower and one runway at o'hare. you would think of all places, they would keep up to speed. right? it would be o'hare. >> and people have been -- the delays have happened to some
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people. there is a story about folks, international arrivals getting held up at customs a few hours. it's already as aggravating as it could possibly be. now it will be more aggravating. >> what will it take before people see that hey this is for real. and we ought to get out of it? >> i think it's happening. talking points some republicans say it's exaggerating and stupid and president obama says it will be bad. that talking point is over. >> lost that argument? >> i think that, well no, they were winning that argument while they were making it because everyone was, look at a time republicans are arguing. good for them. now that there has been, you know, a small amount of mayhem they have quietly stopped making this argument. now we are going to focus on the problems that the policy is actually causing.
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>> bill: the last time i saw you, actually, was on telephone television. i saw you. at first, i was a little offended because i thought you were cheating on us being on another channel. you were on huffpo live? >> yeah. >> which is okay because you work at huffington post. right? and you were talking about michelle bachman running away from diana bash. >> yeah, in the capitol. >> where can we play that? diana bash is waiting to to talk to michelle bachman. peter morrisman, they are waiting for michelle bachman and she sees him and she tries to run away from them. so dana runs alongside of her and peter is running back wards with the camera. >> it's amazing. >> it was a amazing video.
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it's up on youtube. check it out. here is what it sounded like. >> what i want to ask you about is the fact, you talked about the excesses that he has engaged in, the fact he had a dog walker, which is not true. >> so the big point of my speech was about benghazi. this is an absolutely disaster. >> you also made accusations about the president spending money other presidents -- >> the real issue. there are four americans. >> the video now the huffington post article that has the video in it. >> yeah. >> she made a fool of herself. didn't she? >> she made the speech at cpac which was full of weird lshths wildly wrong stuff. >> that's what cnn is trying to catch up with her and talk about that >> bill: at the capitol, members of congress are really approachable and it's a thing where journalists stand around when they are voting or when
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they are in the basement like in a meeting and you expect them to be willing to talk to you. and you wake up to someone. >> usually, they are. >> usually, they are yes. >> that's normal. michelle bachman is running really fast. the times i have tried to do this, by the way, where you are trying to walk and talk and not trip, i am not as good at it as dana. >> imagine peter morris running back wards with the camera. >> it's incredible. this is a haulway that wasn't long enough to get through all of the weird ly untrue stuff that was in that speech that was the topic of conversation. >> talking about the president living a life of luxury in the white house and having all of these hundred thousand -- 150,000 dollar dog walkers and all of that stuff. none of it was true. she was, no, i am talking about benghazi. >> right. >> well she ran away. even bill o'reilly said we don't
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need nonsense like that. she is doing the party a disservice by making speeches like that. she is note toryous, like last week she said on the floor that obamacare is literally, literally killing men, women and children. >> right. >> well she said weird stuff about vaccines. she said a lot of weird stuff. >> on the economy, you at huffington post did a recent survey poll. i saw your article about this. >> yeah. >> in which you found looking at the economy on working class families. >> right. the huffington post polling unit. we came up with yougov and we asked people about unemployment. the result was most people in america have experienced unemployment either they have been unemployed, themselves, about a quarter of people and another 30%, their family has
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been unemployed. so more than 50% of americans have experienced unemployment in the past five years. you know at its worst, the unemployment rate in the america was 10% in 2009. it just shows you that this is not isolated to 1 out of 10 people or to one region of the country. >> right. it's an everybody's problem and when someone in your family becomes unemployed, that often means your life changes in a big way because you have to cut back or do more to help them. >> bill: right. >> the other poll of this is about the parties. we asked people do you think the republicans are better or democrats are better? we thought people who had bun unemployed would think democrats were the party that was more likely to have a solution. but found they are more focused on doing things to reduce unemployment in the short-term
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where republicans are like well 20 months from now, it's going to explode. but we did not find that. we found that the experience of unemployment didn't make people more disposed to favor democrats at all. >> it's both parties. >> both parties are terrible and will not solve the problem. >> bill: interesting that that first finding okay how wide-spread either being unemployed or knowing the experience of unemployment, how it has touched so many americans. >> it's not something that affects losers or people who's skills have deteriorated somehow or just people who haven't finished college. it's really widespread. people who don't keep that in mind are making a mistake. >> it affects us all. authur delaney is here. your comments or questions about the sequester. have you seen any impact of the
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sequester? know anybody who has gotten a furlough notice? i do, by the way. 866-55-press is the toll-free number. join the conversation at any time or on twitter @bp asks show. >> this is the full"the full court press: the bill press show," live on your radio and on current tv. [ music ] pass
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dude, i need your help fast. well, clearasil's fast. yeah, but is it this fast? faster! how about this fast? clearasil's faster! this fast?? faster!! woh! that is fast! fix breakouts fast with clearasil ultra. it starts working instantly, sending the max amount of medicine allowed deep into your pores for visibly clearer skin in as little as 12 hours. yeah, it's fast. clearasil, the science of clear skin.
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(vo) current tv gets the converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. [ music ] >> on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: twelve minutes before the top of the hour. at the top of the next hour, very excited to welcome to the studio the bishop of new
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hampshire, reverend eugene robinson. the most reverend. you very seldom talk to a bishop. he has written a book called god beliefs in love: straight talk about gay marriage" in anticipation of tomorrow's big hearing tomorrow on marriage equality. we will get back to our conversation with arthur delaney here why just a minute. first, another story about identity theft caught my attention. this was up in newark new jersey, ag woman was arrested after trigging several elderly women into providing their personal information. she went to the phone director looking for women named ruth and called them and said she was doing a survey, asked for their social security number, dates of birth. duh. and used that to apply for credit cards in their name. hear a story like that, scares the hell out of you.
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you have ton protected against identity theft as i am with life-lock ultimate. life elect cantey protect you or your bank account if you're not a member. call now and mention press 60. call them again within 60 days and cancel and they will give you a full refund. see for details andgy them a call at 1-800-356-5967 for lifelock ultimate, 1-800-356-5967. arthur delaney with us from huffington post. peter, you've got another story? >> real quickly over the last week or so we have talked a lot about gay marriage in this country so fars of sparked by senator rob portman coming out in favor of gay marriage because of his son. this week in galleydale daily news, they have will portman, the son of rob portman. he talks about am coming out.
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he starts off by saying i came to yale as a freshman with two big uncertainties, whether my dad would get elected to the senate in november and whether i would work up enough courage to come out of the closet. he said when he came out it was the beginning of the ends much being ashamed about who he was. something we would tweet about aboutabout about @bpshow. >> he has been stacked, too, by some right-wingers. i don't know exactly what it is. does he feel like he should stay in the closet. >> why should chosen to be gay? >> the word that is used. >> we need to take up a collection to send them to michelle bachman. markus, marcus. >> marcus bachman. >> marcus bachman. >> people attacked rob portman.
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people attacked him? you are changing your policy position because you know somebody. shouldn't you realize there are people who are gay and, you know, it's not just about you? >> people should do the right thing because it's the right thing to do, not because you happen to know somebody. >> situate not the first republican senator to come out in favor? >> i believe he is which gets me to i am sure you saw this last week as well, did the report that the national committee put out, calling it at a time autopsy of what went wrong in 2012. one things they said was young people are increasingly rolling their eyes at the republican party and it's policies.
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81% of young people support marriage aquality. the day after, reince says we are the party of one man and one woman only. are they reaching out to young people? >> he also said we support ron portman and have no problem with him being nice to gay people. >> the party petition is anti-going against 81% of young people in this country and they are pretending to have gotten the messenger. >> yeah. >> the report says we should no longer be the party of corporate welfare. we should get off of that.
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right? we are perceived as not caring on people. >> 47%? >> right. >> of that remark? >> yeah. >> corporate welfare here is john boehner who says, no. no. no. we are not going to close those loopholes on the oil companies. we are going to close loopholes on hedge fund members of the juriers? -- hedge fund managers? no. we are going to be the party of corporate welfare. this keeps you and me in business and writing and happy and employed. right? >> and employed. >> thank you so much for coming in again today. all right. good luck making it back through the snow. we will come back. president obama back on the day today. busy schedule starting with big immigration reform speev. we will tell you all about it coming up. >> this is "the bill press show."
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current tv, it's been all building up to this. >>bill shares his views, now it's your turn. >>i know you're going to want to weigh in on these issues. >>connect with "full court press with bill press" at and on twitter at bpshow. >>i believe people are hungry for it.
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>> this is "the bill press show." >> bill: here we go president obama scheduled today to give the daily briefing to the vice president at 10:30, a nationalization sir moan e for active duty who are becoming american citizens held in the east room. the president will be signing a new order designating five new national monuments here in the country. secretary of interior ken salazar will be there with him.
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this evening, the president and the first lady have a sadar dinner in the family dining room. 1:00 o'clock with deputy press secretary josh earnest. i will be there. i will tell you all about it tomorrow.
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>> bill: good morning, fans. good morning, friends and neighbors. welcome to the "full-court press" coming to you live on current tv from your local -- from our studio right here on capitol hill in washington, d.c. it's a snow y day in washington, d.c., believe it or
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not here on the 25th it of march. but the president is back from his middle east. we have a lot to talk about, a lot going on today and something we want to talk about as well at 866-55-press, again, the president focusing on domestic issues. members of the military who are becoming citizens of the united states, tomorrow the supreme court begins hearing, tuesday and wednesday, they will hear arguments for and against marriage equality. claire mccaskill yesterday became the latest united states senator coming out in support of marriage equality karl rove actually said yesterday he can envision could envision a cran candidate for 2016 being pro-same-sex marriage. we will begin the next hour with the bishop from new hampshire
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who has written a book on same-sex marriage. michael bloomberg, mayor of new york, announcing yesterday a $12 million campaign running as senator to support the gun safety measures now on the senate floor. we will tell you about that and a whole lot more right here on current tv. [ music ] to the fire. are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night? is this personal or is it political? a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. staying in tough with everything that is my own nuance on it. not only does senator rubio just care about rich people but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. but we do care about them, right? vo: the war room tonight at 6 eastern why do we clean? to help keep our homes healthy. but not all cleaners are equal. at lysol, we go beyond cleaning, we call it healthing.
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healthing is killing germs, and having more cleaning power than bleach without the harshness. it's being the #1 pediatrician recommended brand. and sharing healthy habits in 65,000 schools. so, stop just cleaning. start healthing.
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you know who's coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys who do like verse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. >> she gets the comedians laughing... >> that's hilarious! >> ...and the thinkers thinking. >> okay, so there's wiggle-room in the ten commandments is what you're telling me. >> you would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me. >> and so would mitt romeny. >> she's joy behar. >> and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> only on current tv. alright, in 15 minutes we're going to do the young turks. i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they know that i'm not
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bs'ing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. when the democrats are wrong, they know that i'm going to be the first one to call them out. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. >> broadcasting across the nation, on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> bill: hey, good morning, friends and neighbors, great to see you this morning. it is snowing in washington, d.c. that's right. we didn't have any snow all winter long. we had to wait until spring. you can see how screwed up life
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can be. good morning, everybody. good to see you this morning. it is the full court press. we are coming to you live from our nation's capitol and our studio on capitol hill booming out to you on your local progressive talk radio stations and on current tv. join the conversation. you are going to want to jump in this hour for sure. you can give us a call at 866-55-press. >> that's our toll-free number. join us on twitter @bpshow or be our friend on facebook at facebook discom/billpressshow. big news. a lot of excitement in washington this weak because the supreme court tomorrow and wednesday holding two days of arguments, both sides on the issue of marriage equality. both the defense of marriage act and california's prop 8. people are already camping out, have been all weekend in front of the supreme court to get a spot in the courtroom.
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here to talk to us on this issue and others a good friend and a wonderful leader, a man i have admired for many many years, bishop gene robinson anglican bishop from new hampshire who has written a wonderful book on the issue of gay marriage. god believes in love. straight talk about gay marriage. bishop, it's great to see you? >> good morning, bill. i am so glad to be here. >> you honor us by coming in. thank you very much? >> i left my dog sled outside. >> mush. >> but we have a dog sled to take you from here to there, wherever there is. but it is kind of strange. i mean i love snow and all winter i was waiting for it and we didn't have any. and i woke up this morning and looked out. 0 made god, really depress, i didn't see one snow plow. >> they are not there. >> isn't this a fine winter we
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are having this spring. april is a week away. >> yeah. exactly. >> that's how it started out. you say some powerful things in this book. i want to jump into it. you start out the book i think the first line is i believe in marriage. you are a married man? >> i am. >> to another man? >> to another man. i have been with my partner for 25 years. and four years ago, well, actually, in 2008, we got civil unions in the state of new hampshire. and in 2010, marriage equality became a reality for us. >> it means a lot to you to see this same opportunity nationwide? correct. >> it does. you know i am one of those people who has seen marriage from both sides. ists married to a woman for 14 years, and two children, two grandchildren. >> uh-huh. >> and then, my wife and i made the decision to separate and be divorced. she is still a dear friend of
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mine. she was one of the presenters at my consecration. she adores my husband, mark. and he and i have been together for 25 years. i met him about a year and a half after she and i separated. >> so what do you say to those people who say, well if we allow these gays and lesbian s to get married, straight marriage is going to be on the rocks? >> you know. >> straight couples are just going to run out and get divorced? >> if you have noticed that straight marriage tends to be on the rocks already before any of us started talking about being married. right? i mean, the institution of marriage is under threat certainly, but not from gay marriage. it's under threat by comic issues and the kind of inter personal issues that always occur in marriages and, you know, to those who would say that we are trying to redefine marriage i would say quite the opposite. you won't find anyone who believes in marriage more than gay and lesbian couples who
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desire this institution. you know i counsel a lot of people who come to me for weddings, and i must say the straight couples that come kind of take it all for granted. they think the premartial counsel ling is just a waste of their time. but gay couples, they want the whole thing. they want the premarital counselling. they take it incredibly seriously they care about the words they say in the service and the vows they take. >> they want to be married. >> and they want to be married. and they don't take it for granted. and, so, it would be a funny thing. wouldn't it? if gay marriage actually saved the institution of marriage rather than took it down? >> now something is happening in this country. there is no doubt about it. i just want to give you three quick amendments, three quick things and get your take. this morning's washington post
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page 2, headline is, political debate on same-sex marriage is over. no matter how the supreme court rules. front section of "the new york times" this morning, holding this up, this is a list of americans leading businesses. these are all major, major businesses. you know the names of all of these people who agree that same-sex couples deserve the same treatment, the same rights and all of these businesses have signed onto a friend of the court brief for the supreme court court, an amicus brief at the supreme court. dan, if you will, bishop yesterday, on good morning america, george stephanopolous asked a surprising question maybe of karl rove and got a surprising answer. >> karl rove, can you imagine the next presidential cam paper, a republican candidate saying flat-out, i am for gay marriage? >> i could. he said he may not win or he or she may not win. so something is going on,
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bishop. >> right. and karl rove is not known for grasping the obvious. right? here, he has grasped the obvious. every demographic group every religious group are now showing a majority of approval for same-gender marriage. it's an astounding thing. never in the history of any civil rights movement have we come so far so fast. and, i would say, even if we achieve full marriage equality and all of the other equal status of citizenship in this country, there would be work to be done. let's remember that when we got the jim crow laws off of the books in the signatures for african-americans, it didn't mean the end of racism. and there will still be anti-gay feeling and sentiment in the country that will need to be worked on. but getting the laws in order,
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that is an important step forward. >> these are all signs of just about every sector of the economy, young people, older people? >> that's right. >> businesses, you know academics, whatever action recognizing that this is an issue whose time has come. right? >> that's right. we've got, i think it's 81% of young people. >> 81%. >> favors same-sex marriage. you know, it's interesting, too, if the republican party is interested in appealing to them young people do not want to be associated with any group, whether it be a religious group or a political group that discriminates against their laygay and lesbian trans gender friends. again, back in the '60s, people stopped joining country clubs that wouldn't admit jews or blacks. right? so if the republican party or, frankly, any party, wants to
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appeal to younger people, they are going to have to take this very seriously because the thing about young people, as opposed to when you and i were growing up, everybody now knows somebody gay and lesbian. harvey milke got this right he said, which i love, he said, once they know it, they will love it. well, maybe not all of us. but most of us anyway. >> bill: well we have u.s. senators and members of congress routinely in the studio here for "full-court press." for the first time ever, we have had a bishop in the studio bishop gene robinson from new hampshire. his new book "god believes in love." join the conversation at 866-55-press. i really love the book. >> thank you. >> i am not just saying that because you come at this issue from every angle, academically common sense historically and biblically. the people i know who still -- i
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have a dear cousin in north carolina. >> they always live in north carolina. why is that. >> very much against same-sex marriage because the bible tells me it's wrong. you go right after those voices, particularly in the old testament, leviticus. what does the bible say about homo section walt sexuality or same-sex marriage? >> those of us who are people of faith take scripture seriously but i believe the bible to be the word of god, not the words of god. god did not dictate those words. they came through human beings, and they were subject to the context in which they were written. for us to understand what they mean, we have to understand what their context was and ask: has the context changed? and clearly, it has. sort of the bottom line is that while there are seven packages
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of scripture that would seem to speak to these issues in point of fact, they don't speak at all to what we are asking today, which is how about same-sex relationships that are loving and committed and so on. the bible is silent on a lot of things. we have to extrapolate from scripture and loving god and loving our neighbors as ourselves is where we should be extrapolating from. >> bill: it's interesting, you talk a lot about this in leviticus, all of the other proceed description proscriptions be everybody says this is the word of god. not eating shellfish, on and on and on, not planting two different crops in the same
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piece of ground, we disguard thatt those. isn't it silly? that's how they thought in those days. right? >> exactly. you can't pick and choose. either you believe it's the word of god and you follow all of it, at which point, i would actually respect someone who really hated us and called for our stoning to death. at least that would be consistent. but our foes in this particular struggle seem to want to pick this one out, raise it to the height of almost idolatry and follow it with everything else began. >> then you also ask the question, which i love, wwj.d. what would jesus doed what would jesus doe? >> can anyone imagine jesus to the affirmativing deaf and
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selfless love that causes people to want to make a life-long commitment to one another. don't read more into this that i am going to say and what the scripture say: jesus spent most of his life surrounded by men, 12 of them in particular. he had three of them that he grew for special leadership and one of them is known in scripture four times as the one whom jesus loved. he is the man described at being at his breast at the last supper and from the cross, he says to john and his mother, who was standing there son behold your mother. mother, behold your son because if he is committing them to this kind of covenant together. i am not saying jesus was gay. right? let that not be the headline tomorrow. on the other hand how could we possibly imagine jesus not standing with lgbt people in
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this struggle? >> he stood with everybody else who was an outcast. >> that's right. >> and join the conversation at 866-55 press. on twitter @bp show. >> heard around the country and seen on current tv this is "the bill press show." (vo) only on current tv. converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv.
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you know who is coming on to me now? you know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials? those types are coming on to me all the time now. (vo) she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. >>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's
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what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? [ music ] >> radio meets television "the bill press show," now on current tv. >> bill: it's 24 minutes after the hour here now on this "full-court press," and with bishop gene robinson from new
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hampshire in studio with us, we are talking marriage equality. the supreme court gearing up to hearacts tomorrow and wednesday, two days in a row, on the issue and bishop huffington post reporting this morning that in the court and the chamber there, with the justices tomorrow will be a cousin, a lesbian cousin of chief justice john roberts. how about that? so every family. does this bode well? >> yeah. in memphis, i bumper stickers that said homosexuals, every good southern family has one. and the fact of the matter is, it's not just southern families. almost every family has one. the difference between now and two dick aids is ago chief justice roberts is like everyone
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else in the country they now know someone gay. when this issue comes up faith and relationship comes up. >> what do you think the court will do. >> i think the case against doma is extraordinary. i cannot imagine the court not declaring it unconstitutional. in fact, i am so hopeful i think we might even get a 6-3 vote out of this. >> bill: wow. >> because in one since you could make the conservative case that the federal court was messing in state's business. from a conservativeview point, you could possibly vote against it. i think the prop 8 case is very much up in the air. it's interesting to me that the court took it on because it could have just let the lower court decision stand which would
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have declared it unconstitutional for california. why did they check it out? i don't think it's to overturn the lower court's decision and i don't think that we will see them proclaiming marriage equality nationwide. >> yeah. >> what i do think is is that they will overturn -- excuse me. they will affirm prop 8s unconstitutionality for california but they will be doing it as a way of signalling to the country that marriage equality for all is on its way. >> right. >> that will be a great statement. let's take hello to pat calling from beloit wisconsin >> caller: bishop all of the years my dad's brother hid in the shadows and died sadly never being able to come out he is proud of him now. >> pat, i am glad to hear you say that. it's really true.
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we see how coming out has just maimed the lies of sol many who suffered in the closet. i think he must be smiling down on us even as we speak >> caller: a major high school a couple of thousand kids, we see openness and beauty in all races, all colors all choices. two people can walk down the hall hand-in-hand and nobody blinks no matter what the relationship is. i think that's bodes well for our future. >> okay, pat. indeed. as you said, bishop i have never seen in my political actvism an issue move so far so fast which i think is healthy for this country. >> one of the things i think -- >> five seconds.
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>> yeah. it has made all of the difference for all of us. >> helped everybody. bishop robinson, it's so great to have you in the studio, the book is "god believes in love." i will link it on our website. come back and see us again. >> i would love to. >> this is "the bill press show." >> if you believe in state's rights but still support the drug war you must be high. >> "viewpoint" digs deep into the issues of the day. >> do you think that there is any chance we'll see this president even say the words "carbon tax"? >> with an open mind... >> has the time finally come for real immigration reform? >> ...and a distinctly satirical point of view. >> but you mentioned "great leadership" so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. >> (laughter). >> watch the show. >> only on current tv.
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[ music ] >> chatting with you live at, this is "the bill press show," live on your radio and current tv. >> bill: here we go 33 minutes after the hour now the full court press on a monday, march 25th. great to see you today. i have got to tell you, what a great guy, bishop gene robinson
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anglican bishop of new hampshire. remember when he came out of the closet. when he was ordained as a bishop, it kind of split the anglican church not exactly right down the middle but several churches fled the anglican church because they dared or dana gay bishop. how close-minded are they? if i had a bishop like gene robinson, i might go to church again. president obama back in the white house with a full schedule coming off of his trip to the middle east with the president in the middle east from politico, josh gristene, joining united states on our news line this morning. josh, welcome home. >> thank you, bill. it's good to be back. >> bill: >> bill: so any accomplishments that the white house can point to out of the trip to the middle east? >> i say there are two basic
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accomplishments. the judge seemed to have lifted his standing which was pretty low with the israeli jews. he really had a major, i guess term we are use, a charm offensive there and laid it on pretty thick folks new when he went to pay his respects and he aligned himself with zinism but he didn't wait to do that. the minute he stepped off of the plane, he started talking about the juice had been in this plannedland for thousands of years they are fulfilling their degree, abraham and sarah. he laid it on thick >> bill: if i can jump if. he took a stone from the grave of martin luther king, jr.? >> right. >> which was incredibly symbolic just you're toward our civil rights movement and the creation of israel. >> right. i think, also, laid something at
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rabin's grave as well, made a series of other stops. so, you know, it was really sort of an homage that he was spraypaying to the whole state if you will and there was -- i wouldn't say there was sort of an obamamania we see in other countries from time to time but definitely was a different attitude from a country where his popularity rating was around 10% when he was arriving there. >> and, also the charm offensive worked both ways. i mean it looked like netanyahu was going out of his way to show what a good buddy he was of obama's. >> indeed. there was a lot of back slapping, a lot of close chitchatting. i was in with them at the state dinner there at the president's residence in jerusalem. and they were kind of wading into each other. i wouldn't quite say like giddy teenagers. they were whispering and the president had his hand up to kind of block cameras from
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seeing what he was saying to netanyahu. both start of stripped their jackets off and stride across the tarmac in it. a lot of people thought netanyahu would look smaller perhaps because he is sort of older than obama and another generation of leaders. but i felt like it kind of worked the other way around that some of obama's charisma and his sort of bigger rubbed off on netanyahu and made him seem like a better figure after he had gotten pretty beaten up in the last round of e elections. >> that was the charm offensive. any policy accomplishments? >> one i can point to and it doesn't rank terribly significant from a u.s. point of view but he did oversee -- "he," did see between israel and turkey something that the u.s. had been working on for a couple of years. >> two important allies? >> first, he really just it's hard to overstate how critical they are to the u.s. right at
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the moment with what we have going on? syria and why of the about anything else that happens in the arab world, we usually lean on turkey to act as proxy for us. few arab countries even have diplomatic countries with israel that they get along. it may not be obvious to the american public but to diplomats, they see it as important. on his trip at the tail end as he was leaving israel the president and the prime minister, netanyahu went into a trailer because they were supposed to be in a tent but they went in this trailer and then netanyahu called up the prime minister prime minister of turkey and they got things sort of patched up. he apologized. ♪net apologized for this raid that killed, i think, nine turks a few years ago on the flot i will a that was headed for gaza. it was kind of, i thought, a conditional or qualified apology but it seemed to be recorded as
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good enough by both sides. so, it seems like at least there is a defrosting of the relationship between israel and turkey. >> that's something substantive the president can point to beyond just listing his own popularity in the jewish state. >> can we expect that he -- we -- pardon me -- resemption of peace talks based upon either the president's work and/or john kerry's hanging around for a day or so? >> i mean i think the u.s. is trying to work in that direction, but i think it's too early to say whether that is going to say. the palestinians don't want to go back to the table unless it stops settlement construction activities. this new sort of coalition that netanyahu has, it's just not clear they could make a pledge like that. one of the parties he has in there sort of has it as a red line. they are to some extent a settler party. it's not clear what happens to netanyahu's government if he
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were to agree to something like that. maybe he could agree to a modified halt or slowdown in certain areas and it may be they wouldn't go crazy but i think it's too hard to tell the politics on israel's side and also whether the u.s. could maybe persuade the palestinians to go back to the table without that kind of concession which seems to be the sprotte the obama administration is trying right now. >> josh gerstein covers the white house from politico. joining us on our news line this morning, you can form josh's work and those of his colleagues at john kerry, as i mentioned, did stay in the region took a quick day trip to baghdad and today in kabul, where just sort of, i guess, planting his flag as talks with karzai what's going on there, josh? >> they have been ryetrying to work out for some time a calmer relationship with karzai. he made some pretty outlandish
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comments a few weeks ago that, you know, u.s. special forces were deliberately killing civill civilians and so forth. things that seemed bizarre. they have announced, i think five times now some kind of deal shutting down the u.s. prison in afghanistan and handing over control to the after gangs. we are told as of today, it's finally, done. like i said, it was basically announced before the president went a year ago and reannounced and karzai came here and said it was done, it wasn't done. they kept fighting about it. maybe it's actually done there. so, yes, i think kerry is trying to sort of taking the measure of these places on his stops and it may be by being a new personality here, he can, you know, get a sort of calmer relationship going with karzai which has been very, very rocky despite all of the efforts the obama administration has made to try to iron it out.
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>> bill: finally, there remains the issue, of course, of syria. i know john kerry warned iraq, you should not be allowing iran to make these flights and providing support to the government of syria. >> right. >> the slight crossing in iraq and israel's convinced that syria did use chemical weapons recently. the united states investigating. what's the latest on that? >> the jury was still out on that. the president has sort of set a couple of different red lines if you will on that issue. last year, he said if the syrians sort of even got ready to use them we could act. the white housedes that back and said no, only actually ice would bring us in. they came up in jordan. jordan has soon an influx of almost half a million refugees from syria and they are expecting if the fighting continues there over the course of this year by the end of the year, they will have a million
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refugees, which something on the order of 10% of their population or something like that. >> imagine. >> you know, we think about syria. they had this internal problem but to sort of followon effects is who is going to be destabling the entire region. there has been some with israel. lebanon seeing refugees and jordan one of our closest allies in that part of the world getting flooded with refugees. >> that's a country where they have had comic problems before this came up. there are questions about whether the king will get swept up in some of this pro-democracy movement that's been going down many of the arab countries in the world. there have been a bunch of protests against him there, but none to the severity that we saw that brought down egypt's hosin tive. mubarak. >> it was an important trip. i think maybe we will see more progress coming out of the
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trip-o-lator on with some of the seeds planted last week. josh, good to have you on board. great of you to join us this morning to talk about it. >> always a pleasew, bill. thank you >> bill: covering the white house for politico. [ music ] >> heard around the country and seen on current tv this is "the bill press show." " (vo) with award winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines, way inside. (vo) from the underworld, to the world of privilege. >> everyone in michael jackson's life was out to use him. (vo) no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current.
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i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that we're honest. they can question whether i'm right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. [ music ] ? >> on your radio and on current tv this is "the bill press show." >> you got it, 13 minutes before the top of the hour. here we go the full court press
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coming to you live on your local progressive talk radio station and on current tv from our studio here on capitol hill in washington, d.c. all eyes on the supreme court tomorrow and wednesday, as they take up the issue of marriage equality also, the issue of gun safety, front and center hoo in washington, d.c., and michael bloomberg making news on that front yesterday but before we get there, a very unusual untruly this morning on the today's show with believe it or not, jerry sandusky. pedophile, convicted, serving his time already in prison. why the hell would the today's show schedule an interview with jerry sandusky? to make one point? why did he do it? >> the story because i saw this on friday, the first time i saw it mentioned, that they were
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going to be interviewing jerry sandusky it gets weird earn that. what they have done is they brought in a guy by the name of john zeigler a failed talk radio host. >> i remember him. >> yeah. he has turned into a documentary film maker and he was a big-time sarah palin supporter and so he got an interview with jerry sandusky as part of a documentary deal called "the framing of joe paterno." "right. let's bring the statute back. >> all of the things you have all of the causes. >> i know. i know why they do it for ratings. for ratings. right? but there are some people who are so disgusting. and we are not talking about here allegedly. >> he is a convicted child rapist. >> right. >> he is serving time. the today's show didn't do the original reporting on this. they are just allowing this
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propagandist to come on. >> and use them. >> exactly disgusting. you know nbc, they have been losing now to good morning america. this is the kind of crap that they pull. on another front, back to the gun safety issue, very very interesting. we know that senator harry reid has put a bill now on the senate floor on gun safety sadly and unfortunately, that does not include the assault weapons ban. that will be -- dianne feinstein will certainly make an attempt introducing an amendment to add that to the bill, and with this legislation on the floor, mayor michael bloomberg from new york a man unlike a lot of other people in public life who puts his money where his mouth is launched -- it was anounced yesterday he is launching a $12 million campaign that he is paying for it out of his own
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pocket to come up with ads in 13 states convincing senators who might be vulnerable in their next campaign, convincing them to vote for the gun safety legislation. michael bloomberg insists this is a good use of his money. >> if i can do that by spending some money and taking the nra from being the only voice to being one of the voices so the public can really understand the issues i think my money would be well spent and i think i have an obligation to do that. >> bill: you know, when i saw this yesterday, i was theiring is likemichael bloomberg another donald trump? they have certain things in common. not the hair but they are both from new york. they are both very wealthy. they are both out there in public life, and they both pledged to put up a lot of their own money. here is the difference. bloomberg does it. trump never does.
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he is just a phony. he is talking about i will put up 5 million here, 8 million there. he never spent a dime. bloomberg puts his money on the line. >> bloomberg targets issues that he wants to improve. >> yes. >> or get better. >> not all self-in actuallying. >> without a whole lot of emotion. >> player bloomberg put money into congressional e elections and won the special election until chicago to replace jesse jackson, jr., with a pro-gun safety new member of congress. she is there she has been sworn in. now, he is going after the senate races. he is on the air, "meet the press" yesterday with who else? wayne lapierre. if you want to make the nra look back, put wayne lapierre on. >> they are always booking wayne lapierre, who says, you are not going to buy america. >> he will find out this is a
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country by the people, for the people and of the people and he can't spend enough of his $27,000,000,000 to try to impose his will on the american public. they don't want him in their restaurants. they don't want him in their homes. they don't want them telling them what food to eat. they don't want him to tell them what self defense they can have. he is reckless in his comments on this whole gun issue. >> wayne lapierre what an idiot. % who is he to accuse bloomberg of spending money to try to influence the gun safety issue? >> all the nra does. they walk around this city. they walk around this capital building, handing out checks and they have done it for years and years and years. and it's money that they get from the gun manufacturers, recycled through the nra and turned into campaign contributions. now, you know what he is like?
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somebody else. somebody else. it's putting money on the line on the gun control issue. it's not just the nranym. there is at least one other voice out there. and it's mayor michael bloomberg's pac. and it's working. i don't agree with michael bloomberg with everything but good for him. he is standing up on this issue. i love it. i will be back with a quick parting shot to wrap it up here this monday morning. >> radio meets television "the bill press show," now, on current tv. the natural energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go! [ male announcer ] it's red lobster's
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(vo) current tv gets the converstion started next. >> i'm a slutty bob hope. >> you are. >> the troops love me. the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. (vo) only on current tv. [ music ] >> the parting shot with bill press.


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